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Why are Lumineers right for you?

Lumineers Solve a Variety of Dental Problems to Give You the Perfect Smile in Just 2 Easy Visits.

Whether your teeth are discolored or chipped, or moderately crooked, Lumineers is likely a perfect solution for you. Take this quick and easy self-assessment. Look through the indications below to see if you might be a candidate for treatment. Only a Certified Lumineers Dentist can truly determine if you are a candidate for Lumineers. Contact your dentist or find a local Certified Lumineers Provider today.

Brighten Stained and Discolored Teeth…Permanently

Staining and discoloration are common problems. Teeth whitening is a common option, but may not eliminate all the stains, or last very long. Lumineers provide a long-lasting white smile, no matter what you eat or drink! Whether the stains are caused by time, drinking coffee or red wine, or by tetracycline staining, Lumineers can transform your smile with a permanently bright and natural look.

Restore Chipped Teeth

Do you have a chip on one of your teeth? Is it right in the front where everyone can see? Lumineers offer a painless and pleasant way to fix your chipped tooth for good.

Eliminate Spacing and Gaps

Is there a gap between your front teeth or some other spacing problem that you wish you didn't have? Lumineers is a fast, non-invasive procedure for eliminating gaps between teeth. In just 2 short visits to your dentist, these ultra-thin "smile shapers" will eliminate excess space, while keeping your original teeth intact.

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